Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Implementing Policy the Protects the Rights of Homosexual Students Essay

Implementing Policy the Protects the Rights of Homosexual Students - Essay Example The GSA Network has devoted significant monetary and staffing resources to addressing the problems of discrimination, harassment, and homophobia in VUSD schools through its Fresno office. The GSA Network primarily fights homophobia and intolerance in schools by empowering gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual members in high schools to form and maintain local, school-based, student-run clubs called "GSAs". The GSA Network also encourages members to form community-based GSAs made up of students and supportive community members. See id. One-hundred fifty (150) GSA clubs in Northern California and the Central Valley are presently registered with the GSA Network. The GSA Network connects these school- and community-based GSAs to each other and to community resources in order to: foster safe environments for student members; educate student members and the school community about homophobia, gender identity, and sexual orientation issues; and fight intolerance, discriminatio n, harassment, and violence in schools. It is alleged that openly gay students are subject to severe verbal and physical harassment and suffer physical and emotional damage from Defendants' allegedly hostile environment. Heterosexual students are deprived of an environment that is free from hostility directed toward students who are gay or lesbian or who are perceived to be gay or lesbian. Harassment and discrimination is alleged to be a fact of life for gay or lesbian students, or those perceived as gay or lesbian, attending schools within the VUSD, including Golden West High School.. These students have been repeatedly called "faggot", "queer", and other anti-gay epithets on campus and in the classrooms, sometimes in the presence of teachers. One gay student allegedly confronted his teacher after class about students making loud, derogatory, anti-gay comments in class.. The teacher told the student that he did not hear the comments and refused to do anything about them. Gay or lesbian students, or those perceived as gay or lesbian, have been spit upon by other students on the campus of Golden West. Former Golden West students, perceived to be gay, have had food, pencils, erasers, and textbooks and other objects thrown at them. One gay student was almost hit by a car driven by another student who was actively trying to run him down. See id. One student directed a death threat to a gay student at Golden West.. Golden West students have also allegedly spray-painted the word "Fag" on a pickup truck of another student. One gay student at Golden West was attacked on campus by students yelling "fag", "queer" and other derogatory terms. When the student fought back, Golden West administrators broke up the fight and led the gay student away in handcuffs. That student did not return to Golden West. Students are allegedly afraid to associate themselves with any openly gay students on campus for fear of being verbally and physically assaulted. Students who are gay or lesbian experience chronic psychological injury from the harassment at school each day. One gay student suffers from insomnia and lies awake each night reviewing the harassment he suffered during the day and worrying about what

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Life Of Muhammad Religion Essay

The Life Of Muhammad Religion Essay The book The life of Muhammad has been authored by Abdul Hameed Siddiqui. He is considered an authority in the religious studies and he has written numerous books regarding Islam. In this book, the writer has attempted to give a brief but profound insight into the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) encompassing almost all notable aspects. Author himself claims that this book is a modest attempt on a mighty subject. He has published it for the very first time in July 1969 through Islamic Publications Ltd. Lahore. The theme of the book revolves around the life of the Holy Prophet (PB UH) and his noble mission. It is an attempt to provide a chronology of the life span of the final prophet. It is essentially liked with the evolution of Islam from its dawn in Arabia to its rapid expansion and remarkable hold in a few decades. It depicts the personality traits and teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) which are for all the worlds. The successful culmination marks the accomplishment of the goal of Holy Prophet (PBUH) to educate the purpose of life to the ignorant humanity and guide them to the path of salvation and eternal bliss. Traditionally, it is an account of events, yet coupled with due appreciation of the purpose of prophetic mission. Whats more is the overall impact of the teachings of holy Prophet form one of the main parts of the book. The steadfastness and consistent carrying out of the divine mission is the demonstration of the perfect nature of the personality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) . Authors Thesis: Chapter one begins with the geography of Arabia followed by the character of Arabs before the advent of Islam. They were generous in tongue, eloquent in utterances, ardent lovers of poetry, confident yet self-centered and self-reliant. Then, a picture of social life is portrayed which shows excessive drinking, illicit relations, gambling, sensual pleasures and female infanticide. At the same time, the writer has described the impact of Islamic teachings which transformed the whole Arabian Society. Next in line is a description of economic life of Arabs mainly consisting of trade. It was corrupted with the system of Riba. Arabs did also have an idea of religion that there was a supreme controlling power but it was adulterated with idolatry turning them into polytheists. Chapter two emphasizes the fulfillment of the promise of the foretold birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH. It narrates the life span from the early infancy to the youth and subsequently his marriage with Hazrat Khadija (R.A.). It also involves the removal of some misconceptions and allegations by the orientalists. Chapter three explains the quest for truth on the part of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and finally the revelation of Divine Message assigned him the task of spreading Islam. He had to face hostile opposition that was visible during his visit Taif and also when he was confined to the cave of Abi Talib with his family and companions. He had to face even life threats. Chapter four underlines various allegations levelled against Holy Prophet (PBUH) both by the old and modern critics. Then there is another gropu which demanded miracles from. All these clains were defeated and the holy Quran vindicates the fact that Allah himself became witness of the Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). Chapter five is discussion about the last years of Prophets stay at Makkah. It was during this period Islam was strengthened with the acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Umar (R.A.). Later, there is a brief commentary on the Holy ascent of Holy Prophet (PBUH) through heavens known as Miraj. It ends with the historic migration from Makkah to Madina. Chapter six witnesses the turning of Madina as a stronghold Muslims Universal Brotherhood is established and great charter of Madina is signed to ensure peace among Muslims and Non Muslims of Madina. A brief touch is given to Prophets marital life followed by the emphasis on prayer, fasting and pillars of Islam. Later change of Qiblah was ordered. Then a thorough analysis of Jihad is given with the allegations of westerners and the reply to their false claims. Chapter seven is a record of major battles fought under the command of Holy Prophet (PBUH) to defeat the veil forces. These lay down the international principles of warfare. Chapter eight embodies the Holy marriages and justifications for polygamy. Then is discusses the historic Treaty of Hudybiyah. It also tells the dispatch of letters to foreign rulers as a call to accept Islam. The end of this chapter witnesses conquest of Makkah and the results general amnesty. Last chapter deals with battles of Hunayn and Tabuk, and then last sermon during Pilgrimage has been discussed at length. Lastly the last days of Holy Prophet (PBUH) have been narrated following a general estimate of his personality and lifestyle. Analysis: The biography of Holy Prophet (PBUH) undoubtedly manifests a comprehensive embodiment of the exalted divine message that he conveyed so as to deliver the human race from the quagmire of darkness and polytheism to the highways of light and monotheism. Keeping in consideration, the writer has rendered his utmost effort to write this biography. Perhaps the most striking portion is the reply to the baseless and misleading allegations on the personality of Holy Prophet (PBUH) by the orientalists whose views are fabricated. A similar narrative of the chronicles of Holy Prophet (PBUH) life is attributed to Muhammad Husayn Haykal in the form of his book titled as The Life of Muhammad. He writes, Whoever studies honestly and without prejudice the history of Muhammad and his preaching and the culture which is built on this foundation will finally come to the conclusion that Muhammad (PBUH) was the greatest man the history has known. Holy Prophet (PBUH) was perfect in his personality and disposition. A nature so pure, so tender, and yet so heroic, inspires not only reverence, but love. The book also reveals that Islam has laid down glaring principles of warfare that are applied all over the world. The last sermon, in a real sense, forms the basic of Declatation of Human Rights. It was he through whom Allah pronounced the saving of one Human life as tantamount to the saving of humanity. Fourteen centuries have been elapsed since he delivered his message but time has made no difference in the devotion he inspired. I believe that the writher has one justice to a great extent as per his capabilities and faculties. It is also relevant to mention here that the editors of Encyclopedia Britannica to exclaim, Muhammad (PBUH) to bethe most successful of all religious personalities. Historians are of the view that Allah indeed put before him the keys to the treasure of the whole universe but he refused it. Be as a teacher a father, be as a commander or an administrator, the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been accurately portrayed in the book. Modesty and mercy, patience and humility, generosity and compassion made part of his conduct and held the affection of all around him Recommendations: I suggest this book to everyone whosoever wants to know about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and early Islam. This is equally informative for a layman as well as a student of religions. This treatise is an excellent record of the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) which adds in the intellect and faith of its readers. The book is well-researched consisting of nine chapters including footnotes and bibliography.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Jesus: The First Anarchist :: essays research papers

Jesus: The First Anarchist "In God We Trust," reads the American dollar, mouths the American government. The bosses put their hands on bibles and take office, they put their hands on bibles and swear to be truthful and honest and follow the teachings of the people's God. But are they following God's will? Have they ever been? JESUS: AN ANARCHIST? Throughout history Jesus Christ has been regarded as a revolutionary, but an anarchist? Yes, the answer. As time has passed and covered the once passionate spirit in commonality, however, Jesus' true meaning has been lost in Sundays and collection baskets. Jesus' true meaning is that of the anarchist. "Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God," said Jesus to his disciples in one of many stories in which he shunned wealth and society's view of 'success'. We see in the story of the poor widow's contribution Jesus' message of devaluing money, and placing the true importance on the spirit in which it is given. We see Jesus sit down and observe how the people give money to the treasury, and his commentary on the donations shocks his disciples. "Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood," says Jesus, teaching us an important lesson, one he stressed throughout his ministry. Jesus taught that the poor would be raised up, that the powerful, the bosses as modern day anarchists say, will be layed low. Jesus talks of the kingdom of God, we today talk of Anarchy. The gospel of Luke, chapter 12, presents to us a wonderful group of stories in which Jesus' underlying Anarchism is revealed. Luke 12:15, "Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possesions." And what is capitalism but a system by which the greedy and scrupulous are made stronger, the dependant and the honest pushed aside? Luke 12:18-21, "There was a rich man... and he said, 'This is what I shall do: I shall tear down my barns and build larger ones. There I shall store all my grain and other goods and I shall say to myself, "Now as for you, you have so many good things stored up for many years, rest, eat, drink, be merry!" But God said to him, 'You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the Jesus: The First Anarchist :: essays research papers Jesus: The First Anarchist "In God We Trust," reads the American dollar, mouths the American government. The bosses put their hands on bibles and take office, they put their hands on bibles and swear to be truthful and honest and follow the teachings of the people's God. But are they following God's will? Have they ever been? JESUS: AN ANARCHIST? Throughout history Jesus Christ has been regarded as a revolutionary, but an anarchist? Yes, the answer. As time has passed and covered the once passionate spirit in commonality, however, Jesus' true meaning has been lost in Sundays and collection baskets. Jesus' true meaning is that of the anarchist. "Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God," said Jesus to his disciples in one of many stories in which he shunned wealth and society's view of 'success'. We see in the story of the poor widow's contribution Jesus' message of devaluing money, and placing the true importance on the spirit in which it is given. We see Jesus sit down and observe how the people give money to the treasury, and his commentary on the donations shocks his disciples. "Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood," says Jesus, teaching us an important lesson, one he stressed throughout his ministry. Jesus taught that the poor would be raised up, that the powerful, the bosses as modern day anarchists say, will be layed low. Jesus talks of the kingdom of God, we today talk of Anarchy. The gospel of Luke, chapter 12, presents to us a wonderful group of stories in which Jesus' underlying Anarchism is revealed. Luke 12:15, "Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possesions." And what is capitalism but a system by which the greedy and scrupulous are made stronger, the dependant and the honest pushed aside? Luke 12:18-21, "There was a rich man... and he said, 'This is what I shall do: I shall tear down my barns and build larger ones. There I shall store all my grain and other goods and I shall say to myself, "Now as for you, you have so many good things stored up for many years, rest, eat, drink, be merry!" But God said to him, 'You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Existentialism Is a Humanism Essay

Sartre is trying to defend existentialism against some disapproval to it. The Communist criticized existentialism as an invitation to people to take interest in hopeless world affairs. On the other hand, Christians reproached from the fact that people deny the need of attention in human affairs. People have the will to do anything they want and wish. With the example given, about ignoring the Ten Commandments, we can people deny the value of following the commandments and will only follow it if they wish. THE MEANING OF EXISTENTIALISM. According to Sartre, existentialism is a principle that provides human life possible. It also determines that every truth and action we know involves both an environmental and a human subjectivity. The two types of existentialist are the Christians and Existential Atheists. What they have in common is that they both believe in â€Å"existence comes before essence†, which means that a human has no predetermined essence or nature. â€Å"Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself. † If a man cannot define himself, then he is bound to happen that he is nothing. The paper-knife example talks about how an artisan conceptualized an object, how he paid close attention to it and knew what the purpose of the object would be. The paper-knife is existentially different from human because for Existential Atheists, which Sartre is included, man defines himself and not the creator that conceived him. RESPONSIBILITY An implication given in the lecture is how a being would be able to existence would come before its essence even if God does not exist. Sartre mentioned that there is no human nature because we define ourselves and not by any force that lives inside us. By Sartre saying that â€Å"in choosing for himself, he chooses for all men†, he means that when humans make decisions, it affirms that value of which he had chosen. The choices we consider are always the better, and nothing can be better for us unless it is better for all. When a human chooses to do something for himself, like marrying and have children, he is still creating and contributing an image for the whole the whole mankind. ANGUISH Existentialist frankly state that man is in anguish because he only decides for himself, not realizing that the whole mankind is resting upon his shoulders. When we are in verge of act, we should ask ourselves â€Å"What would happen if everyone did so? † In asking this, we would be able to fully re-evaluate the actions or decisions we’re about to do. In the story of Abraham and the hallucinating women, we are taught on how to ask ourselves with that question. It is not enough to do an act with merely hearing the command. We should prove to ourselves that what we are about to follow would be reasonable and just. ABANDONMENT Sartre said that if God did not to exist, nothing would really change. He believed that we would still have the same progress that we have now. But for the existentialist, they would be embarrassed because it disappears with God the possibility of finding values in an intelligible heaven. For Dostoevksy, if God did not exist, everything will be permitted. He said that human would be free from doing anything they wish. One will be never to be able to explain one’s action because he doesn’t have anything to refer to. On the other hand, he proposes that if God does not exist there wouldn’t be values or commands that will legitimize our behavior. Existentialists believe in the power of passion. They believe that man is responsible for his passion, not some drive that is hidden inside a man. The story of the student teaches us that we should trust our instinct. With his dilemma, whether to join the Forces or to stay with him mom, he based his decision on what he felt. Because he had been living with his mother, the value of feeling to be always by her side is developed. Thus, he chose not to live his mother. In addition, the Jesuit’s story tells us that through our decisions and action, we are bound to choose our own path and bear the entire responsibility. DESPAIR According to Sartre, the definition of despair is that â€Å"we limit ourselves to a reliance upon which is within our will, or within the sum of the probabilities which render our action feasible. † I think the reason why Sartre thought that when Descartes said, â€Å"Conquer yourself rather than the world,† what he meant was â€Å"we should act without hope† is because both statements are saying that we should be in control of ourselves. The Marxists believe that you can rely upon the help of others. That even when you die, other will still continue what you did and help. While Sartre’s argument is that he cannot fully trust those people he doesn’t know. Yes, he can entrust his works and life with his comrades and family, but not to strangers. Does that mean that I should abandon myself to quietism? NO. What we should do is to commit ourselves then act the commitment made. Sartre stated that man is nothing else than what he proposes. Because he hasn’t found anything yet he seeks, he continues to living until the day he found it. â€Å"You are nothing else but what you live†, this means that â€Å"a man is no other than a series of undertaking, that he is the sum, the organization, the set of relations that constitute these undertaking. † Behaviors of the people are caused by the actions happening in their environment upon them. The implication given was how a coward became a coward, and a hero became a hero. Being a coward is the act of giving up. How sternness of optimism here is seen on how a man can make himself a coward or hero, through his action and thinking. In the end, what counts is that â€Å"the destiny of man is placed within himself. † There wouldn’t be any hope or changes unless he starts doing something. SUBJECTIVITY What Sartre and Descartes both agree on is that truth must first have an absolute truth. If not, it will crumble into nothing. Sartre thinks that the theory alone is incompatible with the dignity of man because â€Å"it is the only one which does not make man into an object. † Their main aim of that view is to distinguish the human kingdom as pattern of values to that of the material world. THE OTHER Sartre believes that when we are trying to think to discover ourselves, we are to discover everything from others. To recognize oneself is to be recognize by other people. With â€Å"I cannot obtain any truth whatsoever about myself, except through the mediation of another†, Sartre is saying that we need other to seek the truth that we are trying to find. That being an individual is not enough to find the truth and identity. INTER-SUBJECTIVITY We should understand that â€Å"all the limitations which a priori define man’s fundamental situation in the universe. † The historical situation of every man is different from what they experienced. Human condition is saying that from having freedom, we are also entitled to take full responsibility of it. I think it is possible to understand and value something about all people because there is still universality, which mean that in somehow we can still understand things outside ourselves. BAD FAITH One of the implications are â€Å"every man realizes himself in realizing a type of humanity†, meaning that if a man decides to classify himself, he would be able to realizes himself. There is no difference between free being and absolute being. Lying to yourself by saying that it doesn’t matter to you is a bad faith. It is wrong to say that what you choose doesn’t matter to you. People can always choose, but in not choosing is still a choice. â€Å"†¦without reference to any pre-established value, but it is unjust to tax him with caprice. † I do agree what he is trying to say here. Because he has no knowledge of a pre-established value, there is no sudden change in his choice. When Sartre that we make ourselves, what he meant is that through our actions and decisions we are forming our identity. FREEDOM In saying â€Å"You are unable to judge others†, it is true in one sense and false in the other. Whenever a man chooses his decisions and purpose, it is now impossible to choose another one. It is true in the sense that we do not believe in progress. The goal of freedom is to judge the logical value and not a judgment of value. They also search for the real meaning of freedom. How can the existentialists form judgment? By saying that he deceives himself and by doing that you are having good faith. â€Å"One can choose anything, but only if it is upon the plane of free commitment. † With this, we can conclude that selecting choices involving the commitment of oneself. INVENTION OF VALUES His response is an analogy, â€Å"if I have excluded God the Father, there must be somebody to invent values. † He disagrees on the kind of humanism that takes man as an end. He says so because man is still to be determined and should be considered as an end. What he meant by â€Å"Transcendence† is a man’s relation to his world and that of the people around him. Because man wants to surpass what he has done, he is in the center of his transcendence. A man can realize himself as truly human when he decides for himself, always seek truth and beyond himself and having an aim of some particular realization. CONCLUSION From his point of view, even if God did not exist, it would make no difference. Because for existentialists the real problem is how man will be able to find himself to in order to save himself, by not giving full reliance of God’s existence. Existentialism is a doctrine of action in a way that they confine their own despair with existentialists that Christians can describe them as without hope.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


My life has been very interesting, living In Morocco and then moving to California and now I'm in Massachusetts and the Journey continues. Throughout the years I lived in so many houses and picked up so many memories. Each house had Its own design that made it some how special and unique. But after all they're all places that I spent my everyday at and had fun with family and friends. The first time I entered Oakland, I felt the vibe of the city and It was Like love at first sight. The city was so energetic and so much different than my hometown.So I went to my ether's neighborhood and It was In a very quiet area which I really liked because I'm not used to the city and all Its noise. Walked In home and looked around and knew that place going to be so fun to live In, the best place In the inure house was my bedroom which was so big you could open a super market in it. Then I walked out to the back yard that had all the essentials to a great barbeques party with all the seats and the grills and thanks to the weather the sun was there everyday.Because of my dad's job we had to move from place to place. So we moved to Malden ND it was a big move because the area and the city was so different from what I'm used to. We moved to a house near the Malden river and I really liked the fact that it was in a quite area and the house itself was big enough for both of us. I spent my entire first day exploring the house from the first floor down to the basement. T was a really clean house and because it was renovated everything was basically brand new, but of course what really mattered to me was my bedroom which I wasn't Disappointed about at all because it met all my needs with the really comfortable bed ND the big windows that showed the river and let sunshine light up my room. The best room in the house was the kitchen even though I don't know how to cook. But after all I really spent great days at my house and IM really grateful that its close to school. Rooney By amine- mean ENG 111 My life has been very interesting, living in Morocco and then moving to years I lived in so many houses and picked up so many memories. Each house had its own design that made it some how special and unique. But after all they're all places time I entered Oakland, I felt the vibe of the city and it was like love at first sight. The father's neighborhood and it was in a very quiet area which I really liked because I'm not used to the city and all its noise.Walked in home and looked around and knew that place going to be so fun to live in, the best place in the entire house was my Because of my dad's Job we had to move from place to place. So we moved to Malden used to. We moved too house near the Malden river and I really liked the fact that it but of course what really mattered to me was my bedroom which I wasn't best room in the house was the kitchen even though I don't know how to cook. Journey Area of Study Essay- Journeys The Oxford Dictionary defines Journey as â€Å"an act of traveling from one place to another†; this could, of course, be taken literally. Instead, why not think of â€Å"places† as emotional or mental situations? So you take a Journey between different emotional states. â€Å"The journey, not the arrival, matters. † This statement is correct for all four texts I will be discussing. The Journey is more important than the arrival because it is the Journey that makes people who they are.On a life Journey there are tipping points that define who we become. On our life Journey, what Is the end, death or meeting beyond? What significance does death have to the person you have become? Nothing: in death we look back at who we've become, but we have become like that, not because of the situation that you are in at that moment in time, but the choices or paths that we took on our life Journey. A life Journey has bumps and dips that can sometim es feel like mountains or craters as deep as hell, but the Journey will always continue.It could be argued that we never really have a specific arrival point in the Journey, but have multiple points of arrival and departures. Does a life Journey ever really end? The journeys that are shown in the texts are inner journeys (spiritual, mental and emotional) that revolve around certain significant points in the subject's life Journey. The four texts that will be compared are; â€Å"God's Grandeur†-Gerald Manley Hopkins, â€Å"l wake and feel the fell and dark. To day-Gerald Manley Hopkins, â€Å"Reign Over Me† written and directed by Mike Binder and a visual representation of Journey. â€Å"God's Grandeur† contains a significant inner Journey. In the flirts four lines of the octet Hopkins describes a natural world through which God's presence runs like an electrical current. Alternatively in the last four lines of the octet he talks about how humans are robbed of t heir sensitivity to the beauty of what is left in nature, people have become unaware of the wonders of the world around them.The sestets shifts In argument again, even though humans do not realize It, nature continuously offers the potential of power and re-blurt. Hopkins Is In awe of the beauty of God's presence all around him. Hopkins uses a metaphor of God's grandeur as an electric force. This suggests an undercurrent that is not always seen, but which builds up as a tension r pressure that occasionally flashes out in ways that can be both brilliant and dangerous. In this moment Hopkins is amazed at how rich and full of life God can make him, Hopkins emotions peak at a high at this point in time.Hopkins uses repartition of the word â€Å"trod† and triple rhyming words; have trod, have trod, have trod, all is seared with trade blared and smeared with toil† to emphasis the struggle of humans, continuous Journey, they have been on a journey for so long that they can't s ee God clearly anymore, and the use of the word â€Å"smeared† is to exaggerate he same thing again, the screen between God and humans is getting murky and dirty, not easy to see through, so they are losing contact.. Hopkins is disappointed that humans have destroyed the land by building factories.Seeing this makes that man does not recognize His power and the beauty of nature; â€Å". †¦ The soil is bare now, nor foot can feel, being shod. † This may mean that because humans are wearing shoes we are disconnected to nature, and we cannot feel God's presence because we have a barrier between us and the earth. Humans have been cutting down trees and ruining the Earth for centuries, we have made the soil bare. Once Hopkins realizes that humans have stopped being one with nature, it made him almost annoyed that we can Just ignore God's presence.Hopkins spirits are finally lifted again when he notices that there will always be the promise of re-birth, new life and â₠¬Å"dearest freshness†. In the last four lines of the sestets Hopkins employs imagery from nature to convey rejuvenation by saying â€Å"†¦. Last lights off the black West went Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs†¦. Ah! Bright wings† meaning; that even though the sun goes down in the west he knows that God will bring it back up in the East, he as faith that God will keep the Earth surviving long enough that a similar cycle will happen with nature; that things will go back to how they were, fresh and rejuvenated.Also, Hopkins believes that eventually if God keep the Earth turning someone will eventually notice the beauty and wonder that God's presence makes. In this poem Hopkins is on an emotional Journey, he first starts by being amazed at God's presence, then his emotions change to almost angry at how human can be so ignorant, then when he realizes that God will always be there his emotions transform to astonishment at Gods persistence. WSDL it m atter that he was astonished at the end of the poem, if you didn't know how what occurred to redder him this way?The second text that I will be discussing is â€Å"l wake and feel the fell of dark, not day', this is a terrible sonnet by Gerald Manley Hopkins this poem, is an emotional Journey also. In this poem Hopkins is suffering from insomnia, he longs for the brightness of the day time. The darkness of night makes Hopkins feel claustrophobic, the poem emphasis his feelings of loneliness and isolation. The sonnet finishes with the consolation of sleep, while it opens with its impossibility. Hopkins starts this poem by stating that he wake up expecting day light, but unfortunately he is still stuck in the fall of darkness.The clever use of â€Å"fell of dark†, relates back to the fall of Adam and Eve, or how the Lucifer (the devil) is a â€Å"fallen† angel. Hopkins is trying to get across the meaning that darkness is cruel or the equivalent to â€Å"Lucifer†, compared to the brightness of daylight. Hopkins is exhausted and he feels as though the night time is endless â€Å"But where I say Hours I mean years, mean life†. The last four lines of the octet describe how Hopkins is wondering where God really is, â€Å"†¦ Eke dead letters, to dearest him that lives alas! Away. Hopkins has been trying to get a response from God for all the hours of the night, but he feels like pleading with God for sleep is pointless. He thinks that God is Just ignoring him. The first line of the sestets has a metaphor â€Å"l am gall, I am heartburn. † Hopkins is now feeling so terrible that is feels like he is the pain; the darkness is so overwhelming that he feels that he himself has become the insomnia. â€Å"The lost are like this†¦. As I am mine, their sweating selves; but worse† Hopkins now feels like he can understand how â€Å"the lost† (damned) feel, hat they too; are trapped in never ending darkness.Hopkins emot ional Journey in this poem moves from a pleading state with God, through self-pity then to an his suffering of insomnia, but disappointed with himself for being so. Between the two poems Hopkins emotions change of emotions from the Joyfulness of ‘Gods Grandeur† to the despair of â€Å"l wake and feel the fell of dark, not day' is a journey in itself. Hopkins must have experienced a pivotal moment in his life for his emotions to change so dramatically. â€Å"Reign Over Me† written and directed by Mike Binder has a very powerful inner journey (both mental and emotional).It is the story of a man named Charlie and his struggle to deal with the loss of his family in the tragedy of 9/1 1, Charlie suffers from Postgraduates Stress Disorder (PETS) and is helped through the struggle by his former college roommate Alan. In the movie, Charlie starts off weaving through the traffic on this motorists scooter, symbolizing that he is in his own world. Charlie is stuck in a loop the whole way through the movie, every day is a struggle to Just get up out of bed. He lost his family and he is constantly trying to shut that out, he pretends he doesn't remember any of that pivotal moment in time. He Just shut down.Quit work. He stopped wanting to talk about her. Then he acted like he didn't remember them. Then he pretended like he didn't remember us. † Charlie's in-laws are constantly trying to talk to him, while Charlie is Just trying to forget. He is in a state of denial for most of the movie, until Alan gets him to talk to someone. First he tries a therapist, but Charlie refuses to talk. Eventually Charlie confides in Alan and tells him the story of how he lost his whole world â€Å"†¦.. And I felt them burning. † This is the beginning of a new Journey for Charlie; he has finally realized that he must member them to enable himself to move on.Charlie's emotions peak at amazing highs and drop so low at times that he doesn't know if he can liv e with the pain of losing his family, but with the help of his in-laws and his friend Alan, Charlie's journey has gotten back on a more stable path. What Charlie went through, made his mind and soul so distressed that his Journey to recovery will never end, it will be a constant struggle to stay on the stable path. So this particular example of Journey has no arrival, but the process of his emotional peaks and falls has made his Journey a lot ore important than where he will end up.Again, does a life Journey ever really end? Will Charlie ever arrive at a point where is can Just stop? No, he must always continue The final text in a visual representation of a Journey, in the middle of the frame you are looking at a set of steps (outside) leading up to darkness with a caption above reading â€Å"Life is a Journey-EnJoy the Journey. † The steps in the visual are not perfect or straight, they are rough and uneven. This is a symbol meaning that life may not be easy; it will have pa rts that are unstable and scary.Also, the steps are leading up to rankness, this represents that we do not know where life will lead us, and it is unknown. If we knew where we were going what would be the point of the Journey? Why wouldn't we Just Jump around the hard parts and go straight to our destination? No one knows where life will take us; each decision has a separate path leading us to another choice. It doesn't matter where we end up if there was no story of how we the place where we are standing at a certain moment in time is lit up, we can only see so far ahead of us. Once that light ends it is unrevealed where the path will lead.The caption above the image reads â€Å"Life is a Journey-EnJoy the Journey. † A life Journey has multiple inner Journeys; each inner Journey is important and significant. There would be no point to the Journey if we didn't not enjoy each moment. Enjoy life; it is the only real Journey we ever undertake. Each inner Journey is experience di fferently by the main subject of the individual texts. In both of Hopkins poems he experiences two vastly opposing emotional states. One is admiration for God's presence, while the other is disappointment at how God can Just ignore Hopkins suffering.Neither one of his poems bring him to any kind of conclusion, therefore his Journey continues and does not arrive anywhere. In â€Å"Reign Over Me† Charlie's grief moves through the seven stages but does not conclude. He will always grieve but is stable enough for his life Journey to continue. Like Hopkins, Charlie's Journey is not over when our involvement is over. In the visual representation we cannot see the end of the path so the only option is to persist up the steps, even though it is scary and unknown still the Journey continues. So what is the arrival without each separate step of the Journey? Journey Each person’s life is a journey on a contorted road dotted with bumps and craters. At certain points, the bumps could seem as high as mountains and the pits as deep as hell, making this journey called life appear quite despondent. Although occasionally, your predicaments are entirely fate’s blunders, but perchance, they are your own. Your personal characteristics roughly resemble a steering wheel for your journey. They could be positive traits, which could steer you on a more decent path; or negative traits, which could steer you to a path that’s, well†¦ not so decent.Although you have no control over fate, you have power over your own â€Å"driving skills†, and could thus widen or narrow your chance for a smooth, prosperous journey. Also, it is beneficial to remember that you are not alone, for there are many other roads that coincide with yours, where others are conducting through their own journeys and floundering through their own bumps and crater s as well. Drive together, and you could purvey support and encouragement for one another, and thus institute milder paths for all of you.Most prominently, no matter how harsh the terrain of your road becomes, just remember that you will pull through and be transformed for the better because of it. This optimistic philosophy that I’ve adopted had been much solace to me in my own journey in becoming a successful high school student. It was not at all easy. Although fate has been overall lenient to me, it was my â€Å"driving skills† that tended to direct my course towards huge bumps. Despite my awareness of my own flaws and omissions, I still compulsorily reproached others and sought ways to exonerate myself.This was one of the worst traits I retain. It precluded me from obtaining responsibility for my choices and learning from past oversights, thus impeded my maturing process. For example, my projects were oftentimes undone till the last minute (including this one). I would think to myself, â€Å"I don’t feel like doing it today, so I’ll work on it tomorrow†. Thus the project was delayed further and further until there was no â€Å"tomorrow† for it anymore, and then I would end up working well over midnight while secretly scowling at the teacher for giving out such a tedious and inane assignment.Immaturity and refusal to admit my errors caused me to plunge into countless pits in my journey. The one positive trait that had proved to be highly efficient in boosting me out of these pits is ambition. I know that too much of it could corrupt a person, but so far it had only empowered my spirit with much-needed optimism. My greatest ambition is to become a renowned novelist; therefore every hardship and pain to me befits an inspiration for a potential novel. It is a most optimistic perception of things, and it had succoured me through many phases of emotional turmoil.Although my own choices and personal characteristics had p rompted many of my dilemmas, a certain number of large bumps on this road did bluntly materialise without my causing them. An example of that would be my kindergarten teacher. Back then, I was excessively shy and timid. (I still am, but not as much). I mainly kept to myself and was far too apprehensive to participate in class activities. Consequently, I might have appeared to be rather slow or mentally challenged. That was exactly what my teacher assumed.She would openly denounce me as a retarded child in front of myself and all my peers, and I was at that stage in my life of accrediting whatever adults told me. Thus for a long time, I subconsciously retained the impression that I was somehow less than other kids. The lack of self-esteem had often induced me to fail before I even try. The other major obstacle that I’ve contended with was during my first years in the States. I had moved to Philadelphia, PA at the age of nine with primitive English comprehension.In addition, we were coerced to dwell in one of the most delinquent and precarious districts in West Philadelphia due to our low budgets. The despicable socio-economic status of my neighbourhood could be seen from the school I attended, which had metal detectors installed at its doors. I underwent a great deal stress both academically and socially due to problems of communication. Plus there were a number of students that discriminated against me because I had the lightest skin colour in my school. As a result, I developed paranoia towards my peers, which ensues me even now.Nevertheless, everybody undergoes their own adversities, shed their own tears, and abide their own pains. At these times of needs, friends, family, and other favourable resources are to be treasured more highly. I was never alone on this road, for many other roads that coincided with mine have brought much joie de vivre upon my journey. One of which who was always there behind me was my dad. I am not abashed to say that he is m y best friend. There was a period in my childhood when he was not there for me. However, he made up for it by being the best father one could have.Not only did he did take the time to assist me with my homework when needed and spent plenty of quality time with me, he was always there with wisdom, encouragement, and consolation. The other momentous source of benefit is Canada. Moving across the Atlantic Ocean was undoubtedly the best thing that ever happened to me. The reason is that the education system in China is not only relentlessly harsh; it is sadistically cruel. Society has deemed that if you failed to attain a university degree, you’d be a disgrace. Your career and marital opportunities would be despicably downtrodden.In addition, China possesses an enormous population and too few universities to match, thus eliciting nervous breakdowns among many high school students, some were even impelled to commit suicide due to the immense pressure. I, on the other hand, am inde scribably glad to be here in Canada, where I am much more likely to do well in high school and thus hold a promising future. Now here I am in grade 10 with a tolerable grade average and a healthy attitude towards school and life in general. Although this journey had been difficult and even toilsome at times, I pulled through.One of the merits that I have acquired from my past experiences is strength. (I’m not referring to muscles, of which I have none). Strength in mind and spirit is like steel, and the most sublime of its quality can only be heated through suffering. I do not mean to pity myself, but I do believe that I’ve suffered more than many other teenagers have. There are certain things that I have not mentioned in this assignment, deeper pits in the hidden trails of my memory. Nonetheless, each time I fall, I was obliged to obtain strength in order to rise.Thus each time I rose, I was a little stronger than before. My kindergarten teacher’s abuse, for ex ample, had brought me much self-loathing, but not anymore. What’s left is a searing urge within me to spite her by proving her wrong. Another lesson that I’ve learned through my journey up to this point is to appreciate all that life has to offer. Life is short, and my road could abruptly come to a halt at anytime. Thus it is prominent to savour each and every moment of it by focusing on the positive things. My struggles and desolation have procured me to value what I have in order to overcome depression.My family, friends, and other fortunate events in my life have been lights in times of darkness, reminding me that the world is not completely forlorn and bleak. Optimism, along with strength, is all that I need to carry on. And thus I go forth on this journey with the memories of all the people and places I’ve left behind. I know that as long as I possess a goal, I will never be lost. My goal as a successful high school student had been so far adequately accomp lished, however, as always, there is much room for enhancement. It had been a most arduous but rewarding journey.My friends and family, especially my father, had made this journey much easier. Also, I would not overlook Canada, which is such an enlightening and lenient learning environment. All of these allies and resources have presented me with guidance in the right course. However, some of my personal characteristics, like irresponsibility, were inclined to steer me astray. Then again, other traits that I possess, like ambition, succoured me in the continuance of my journey. The bumps and craters that I’ve met along my journey held a large role in constituting the person that I am now.I have fallen so many times into the seemingly abyss of despair and struggled against the mirror for just a speck of self-esteem, but I have survived. I understand that there will be greater obstacles and barriers in the future, but I personally believe that pain is a thing to be prized. Some one who does not know pain would not appreciate joy, nor would he obtain the strength to make his journey worthwhile. You can also order a custom research paper, term paper, thesis, dissertation or essay on journey from our professional custom essay writing company which provides students with high-quality custom written papers at an affordable cost.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Harold Long Form Improv Game Activity

The Harold Long Form Improv Game Activity The Harold is a long form improv activity first developed in the 60s by theater director/teacher Del Close. Long-form improvisational activities allow actors more time to develop believable characters and organic storylines. Whether the performance is a comedy or a drama is entirely up to the cast members. Long form improv can last from 10 to 45 minutes (or beyond)! If done well, it can be absolutely mesmerizing. If done poorly it can elicit snoring sounds from the audience. It begins with a suggestion from the audience. Can someone name an object?Okay, people, choose an emotion.What is an activity you did yesterday?Name your favorite / least favorite word. Once selected, the word, phrase, or idea becomes the centerpiece for the Harold. There are limitless ways to begin the improv. Here are a few possibilities: Each cast member delivers an impromptu monolog.A word association game is played.The cast does an interpretative dance based on the suggestion.Each cast member recaps a personal (or fictional) memory connected with the audiences suggestion. The Basic Structure During the opener, cast members should listen intently and utilize some of the material In later scenes. The opening scene is usually followed by: Three vignettes related to the theme.A group theater game (involving some or all cast members).Several more vignettes.Another group theater game.Two or three final scenes that pull together the various themes, characters, and ideas that have been developing throughout the performance. Heres an example of what might happen: The Opener Cast member: (Speaking cheerfully to the audience.) For our next scene, we need a suggestion from the audience. Please name the first word that comes to mind. Audience Member: Popsicle! The cast members might then gather around, pretending to look at a popsicle. Cast Member #1: You are a popsicle. Cast Member #2: You are cold and sticky. Cast Member #3: You are in a freezer next to the waffles and beneath the empty ice cube tray. Cast Member #4: You come in many flavors. Cast Member #1: Your orange flavor tastes like orange. Cast Member #2: But your grape flavor tastes nothing like a grape. Cast Member #3: Sometimes your stick tells a joke or a riddle. Cast Member #4: A man in an ice cream truck carries you from one neighborhood to the next, while sugar-starved children chase after you. This can go on a lot more, and as stated above there are many different variations of the Harold beginning. Typically, whatever is mentioned in the opening might become a theme or a topic of an upcoming scene. (Thats why having a good memory is a bonus for Harold participants.) Stage One Next, the first set of three brief scenes begins. Ideally, they might all touch upon the theme of popsicles. However, the actors may choose to draw out other ideas mentioned in the moderators monolog (childhood nostalgia, dealing with grown-ups, sticky food, etc). Scene A1: Hyperactive children pester their mother for a popsicle, but first they must do their chores.Scene A2: A popsicle discusses life in the freezer with his friends Mr. and Mrs. Waffle.Scene A3: A trainee experiences her first day at the Popsicle Factory, working as a writer of lame jokes to be placed on the popsicle stick. Noises, music, cast member gestures, and interaction can take place throughout, helping to transition from one scene to him next. Stage Two: Group Game Whereas the previous scenes may have involved several cast members, Stage two typically involves the entire cast. Note: The games used should be organic. They might be something often seen in improv shows, such as freeze or alphabet; however, the game could also be something spontaneously created, some sort of pattern, activity or scene structure that one cast member generates. the fellow cast members should be able to tell what the new game is, then join in. Stage Three The group game is followed by another series of vignettes. The cast members may choose to broaden or narrow the theme. For example, each scene might explore The History of Popsicles. Scene B1: Popsicles during Cavemen TimesScene B2: Popsicles during the Middle Ages.Scene B3: Popsicles during the Old West. Stage Four Another game is in order, preferably involving the entire cast. This one should be very lively to build the energy for the final portions of the Harold. (In my humble opinion, this is the perfect spot for an improvised musical number but it all depends on Stage Five Finally, the Harold concludes with several more vignettes, hopefully calling back to several of the topics, ideas, even characters that have been explored earlier in the piece. Possible examples (although it seems counter-intuitive to give written out examples of improv ideas!) Scene C1: Caveman experiences worlds first case of brain freeze.Scene C2: Mr. and Mrs. Waffle decide to see other people; she visits the fridge.Scene C3: The Ice Cream Man is on his death bed, and his life flashes before his eyes. If the cast members are clever, which I am sure they are, they could tie the ending with material from the beginning. However, the Harold doesnt need to tie everything together to be fun or successful. A Harold might begin with a specific topic (like popsicles) but drift away too many different subjects, themes, and characters. And thats fine too. Remember, any improv game can be changed to suit the needs of the cast and the audience. Have fun with the Harold!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Divisibility Tricks and How to Divide in Your Head

Divisibility Tricks and How to Divide in Your Head A great way to enhance student learning in mathematics is to use tricks. Luckily, if you are teaching division, there are a lot of math tricks to choose from. Dividing by 2 All even numbers are divisible by 2. E.g., all numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. Dividing by 3 Add up all the digits in the number.Find out what the sum is. If the sum is divisible by 3, so is the number.For example: 12123 (121239) 9 is divisible by 3, therefore 12123 is too! Dividing by 4 Are the last two digits in your number divisible by 4?If so, the number is too!For example: 358912 ends in 12 which is divisible by 4, and so is 358912. Dividing by 5 Numbers ending in 5 or 0 are always divisible by 5. Dividing by 6 If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, it is also divisible by 6. Dividing by 7 First Test: Take the last digit in a number.Double and subtract the last digit in your number from the rest of the digits.Repeat the process for larger numbers.Example: Take 357. Double the 7 to get 14. Subtract 14 from 35 to get 21, which is divisible by 7, and we can now say that 357 is divisible by 7. Second Test: Take the number and multiply each digit beginning on the right-hand side (ones) by 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5. Repeat this sequence as necessary.Add the products.If the sum is divisible by 7, so is your number.Example: Is 2016 divisible by 7?6(1) 1(3) 0(2) 2(6) 2121 is divisible by 7, and we can now say that 2016 is also divisible by 7. Dividing by 8 This ones not as easy. If the last 3 digits are divisible by 8, so is the entire number.Example: 6008. The last 3 digits are divisible by 8, meaning 6008 is as well. Dividing by 9 Almost the same rule and dividing by 3. Add up all the digits in the number.Find out what the sum is. If the sum is divisible by 9, so is the number.For example: 43785 (4378527) 27 is divisible by 9, therefore 43785 is too! Dividing by 10 If the number ends in a 0, it is divisible by 10.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Back-Formation Back-Formation Back-Formation By Maeve Maddox Back-formation is one of several methods by which new words are added to the language. An often-quoted example is the word pea. Before pea was created by back-formation, English had the singular noun pease. Here are two examples of its early use from the OED, (some spellings altered): All this world’s pride is not worth a pease. As like as one pease is to another. The plural was peasen: The leaves of beans and peasen Cherries, gooseberries, and green peasen Over time, as -s shoved out -en as the sign of the plural, speakers came to feel that pease was a plural; thus was born our singular pea and its plural form peas. Back-formation is especially frequent in the creation of new verbs. Some writers use the verb â€Å"to back form,† a back-formation of back-formation; so far, this coinage hasn’t made it into either the OED or M-W. Sometimes the coinage is intentionally jocular, as with the verb buttle from butler: â€Å"Nobody could buttle like James† Sometimes the new verb formed from a noun fills a need and is quietly absorbed into the language, like the verb edit from editor. At their first appearance in the language, back-formations often stir feelings of revulsion. Test your own reactions to the following sentences: I  hate  it when people  enthuse  too much over food. Ive met him twice, but never had  the chance to conversate. To what extentdid the US intelligence community surveil the anti-apartheid movement in the United States?† Now I would  never dis my  own mama just to get recognition.   Britains most senior police officer is liaising with US law agencies. Have you accepted the legitimacy of the back-formations that have created the verbs enthuse, conversate, surveil, dis (also spelled diss), and liaise? Or do you get that fingernail on the blackboard feeling when you see them or hear them? Conversely, gauge your reaction to these verbs: diagnose, donate, eavesdrop, evaluate, kidnap, manipulate, proliferate, and vaccinate. My guess is that the second list raised nobody’s blood pressure. Yet, each of the verbs in this list is a back-formation from a pre-existing noun: diagnosis, donation, eavesdropper, evaluation, kidnapper, manipulation, proliferation, and vaccination. Time and usage will determine whether back-formations like surveil and conversate will prevail. The determining factor will be usefulness. If the coinage is felt to fill a gap in the language, speakers will eventually embrace it. Related posts: â€Å"Kudo vs Kudos† â€Å"Vaccination and Baccalaureate† â€Å"Why We Love To Hate Liaise† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Punctuating â€Å"So† at the Beginning of a SentenceHomogeneous vs. Heterogeneous40 Words Beginning with "Para-"

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mass customization needs to go beyond technology Essay

Mass customization needs to go beyond technology - Essay Example Concerning the preparation for the mass customization, the author notes that it is a process that involves the production side and supply-chain vantage point. Some of the aspects that the author has touched in regard to the preparation for the mass customization is the organizational transformation. Some of the aspects that the article presents that guides the preparation for the mass customization include; modular design, the level of the mass customization, and among others. In conclusion, the article notes that the issue of the mass customization is the one that requires â€Å"careful preparation in every stage the supply chain and also enriching buying experience of the customers†. The author concludes by saying that the changing markets are the principal guidance for the mass customization. With the increasing population in the world, the market is no longer homogenous and stable. The idea of the mass customization, therefore, seems as the best solution to these challenges. The article has a particularly perfect managerial implication in that it has discussed the need for the mass customization of the products. In particular interest, the article has used the painting industry in India to discuss how the customization of the products for the individual customers can lead to the customer satisfaction. This is particularly true because in the changing trends around the world there is a need for the managers/organizations to ensure that the varied needs of the customers are met through mass customization.

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Strategic management - Essay Example It continues to stipulate the rationale why china and India are the best-suited countries for management and investment sector. In the main body of the report, strategic development directions through FDI in china and India have been articulated clearly; this is through application of Ansoff Matrix, which features the consolidation, integration, diversification, market penetration and product development options (a table has been selected to analyze the general Ansoff matrix). The management report continues to discuss the organizational structure for both counties and stipulates the advantages and disadvantages for investment opportunities. NB, in this area, the report analyzes on infrastructure, risk and economic simulations, economic relations, FDI incentives and technological aspects. In the last part of this management report, we deal with the leadership and management aspects for application of Thomas cook strategic development directions. ... This analytical approach has been part of my option for better and quality assessment of directions that India should set up to increase its Direct Foreign Investment, one has to have a unique outlook to assist him deal with the diverse exchange royalties. I have decided to have a dynamic approach to the management prospects of the company Thomas Cook. Essential planning is required as one deal with these aspects of development strategies. My strategic development consists of future orientation, where the environment is deemed to change. One outlooks one the perceptions of the organization and how I want my company to be in future. My choice of development strategies concerns: technological, political, economical, the environmental conditions and on dimensions of the social background. Both China and India have policies that assist one in the overall implementation of strategies and management of the FDI in the end, I am able to determine the level or china and India resources throug h development strategies and to the optimum level of resources of each country. Choice of development strategies also relies on the structure and resources of each country. Reassessments of company elements and modification of the economic investments in the countries should be in continuous strategic move. Choice of development strategies is also due to the strong economic and environmental ties between the two countries, one is encouraged to foster foreign direct investments in china due to openness in development and it instills continuous changing goals for investments. China sets good investments mechanisms all over the world to ensure

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Strategic management - Essay Example It continues to stipulate the rationale why china and India are the best-suited countries for management and investment sector. In the main body of the report, strategic development directions through FDI in china and India have been articulated clearly; this is through application of Ansoff Matrix, which features the consolidation, integration, diversification, market penetration and product development options (a table has been selected to analyze the general Ansoff matrix). The management report continues to discuss the organizational structure for both counties and stipulates the advantages and disadvantages for investment opportunities. NB, in this area, the report analyzes on infrastructure, risk and economic simulations, economic relations, FDI incentives and technological aspects. In the last part of this management report, we deal with the leadership and management aspects for application of Thomas cook strategic development directions. ... This analytical approach has been part of my option for better and quality assessment of directions that India should set up to increase its Direct Foreign Investment, one has to have a unique outlook to assist him deal with the diverse exchange royalties. I have decided to have a dynamic approach to the management prospects of the company Thomas Cook. Essential planning is required as one deal with these aspects of development strategies. My strategic development consists of future orientation, where the environment is deemed to change. One outlooks one the perceptions of the organization and how I want my company to be in future. My choice of development strategies concerns: technological, political, economical, the environmental conditions and on dimensions of the social background. Both China and India have policies that assist one in the overall implementation of strategies and management of the FDI in the end, I am able to determine the level or china and India resources throug h development strategies and to the optimum level of resources of each country. Choice of development strategies also relies on the structure and resources of each country. Reassessments of company elements and modification of the economic investments in the countries should be in continuous strategic move. Choice of development strategies is also due to the strong economic and environmental ties between the two countries, one is encouraged to foster foreign direct investments in china due to openness in development and it instills continuous changing goals for investments. China sets good investments mechanisms all over the world to ensure

Friday, October 18, 2019

Somebody who changed others lives Research Proposal

Somebody who changed others lives - Research Proposal Example (Dyson) Galileo was one such scientist too who refused to accept the conventional wisdom of his day and propagated ideas and scientific discoveries which clearly challenged the mighty of his days. Galileo was an Italian physicist, astronomer, philosopher as well as inventor who played critical role in the scientific revolution. It is because of his contribution that Galileo is often considered as the father of the modern science. (Reston) His most noteworthy contributions are in the field of astronomy where he not only discovered the four largest satellites of Jupiter but also studied the different phases of the Venus. Above all he invented telescope which allowed physicists to see the cosmos and make important astronomical discoveries. It is also argued that this invention of Galileo was also a start of the era of the technology which has propelled the society to this current level. However, the ideas of the Galileo were considered as rebellious according to the Church and his writings were banned. His ideas on the heliocentrism that earth is not stationary and it revolves around the sun were specially considered as against the religious teachings. In Bible it is written that the world is firm and it cannot be moved therefore the discoveries of Galileo were in direct opposition with the biblical references. It was therefore because of this reason that he was also asked to stand a trial for heresy. During that trial, he was declared in violation of the religious scriptures and therefore was ordered to remain in the house arrest for the rest of his life. His life was saved when he officially retracted his claim that earth is not stationary and indirectly endorsed the claims of the church at that time. The life of the Galileo is truly a life of a rebel because he presented ideas which were vehemently denied yet his ideas decisively shaped the way

Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Security - Assignment Example The solution should prevent IRS from spending a fortune on network infrastructure upgrades. Modernization of the E-File is an important step of IRS re-engineering its efforts to enhance enforcement, improve its services, and modernize work processes and technology (Chamberlain 15). This is achievable through the introduction of the modernized E-file. The modernized E-file should be an internet-based system that should use the standardized Extensible Mark-Up Language (XML) constructs. The main component of the modernized E-file is introduction of transmitters. The transmitters present in the modernized E-file will provide postmarks to all taxpayers for individual returns. The receipt present in the electronic postmark will provide the taxpayers with confidence that they have filed their returns on time. However, the date of the electronic postmark will be considered as the date of filling. This happens when the date of electronic postmark is prior to the endorsed due date and the return is gotten by the IRS after the recommended due date for filling. All the requirements for signing the tax return and completion of a paper of declaration and timely submission of the rejected timely filed tax return has to be followed to for the electronic postmark to be reflected the date of filling (Grayson and Warren 22). The electronic postmarks will be available to the taxpayers through the online filing. Markedly, when the transmitter creates the electronic postmark with the time and date, the information is recorded by the transmitter host computer. With the introduction of the electronic postmark, IRS can ensure that people do fill in their tax returns on time but they can submit them later. If the electronic postmark is before or on the recommended deadline of filing a tax return, but the IRS obtains the tax return after the deadline of submission, the IRs will treat the submission as timely

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rhetorical analysis of an argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rhetorical analysis of an argument - Essay Example Blake is a Londoner himself and this basic knowledge of his origin establishes the chief nature of logos linked to the ethos so that both may be set in equilibrium with the pathos as readers yield to spontaneous involvement of feeling and making sense of the narrative based on a similar experience. As Blake opens his poem â€Å"London† with â€Å"I wander thro’ each charter’d street; Near where the charter'd Thames does flow†, he means to reflect the state of misery which the city of London was confronted with in the 18th century. Blake lived in the time when tumultuous political affairs of the unscrupulous English authorities prevailed in the period coinciding the French Revolution and under such settings, the structure of law possessed rigidity which resulted to oppression and other unpleasant forms of injustice. Blake gives illustration to this by the repetition of the modifier term â€Å"charter’d† which seems to have gone overboard as th e ruling designates even the river Thames to unnecessary restrictions. Through his literary endeavor in â€Å"London†, Blake laments about the appalling conditions of the capital city which are depicted by the disconcerting sights as viewed from the atmosphere and external appearances of the general public. In his wandering, the speaker in â€Å"London† takes into account how largely keen his physical encounter is of the ailing situation that he becomes drawn to concretize with â€Å"In every cry of every Man; In every Infant's cry of fear; In every voice, in every ban†. These lamentations exhibit the worst extent of London’s depressed scenario which, according to the historical context the poet is looking at, is brought about by the wrongful or inhumane administration of law or political regulations at the time. Blake makes no mention of authorities or governmental body responsible for the complaints delivered in the poem, nevertheless, he implicitly dem onstrates the presence of unseen yet brutish socio-political force behind what may well be imagined as harsh occurrences causing people of 18th century London to suffer. This is widely evident in the third and fourth lines of the first stanza indicating â€Å"marks† which assumes both literal and symbolic meanings. The wandering speaker does not only pass along the streets as an ordinary traveller but as a critical observer who could not help empathizing for every picture he catches sight of particularly when he manages to perceive the outer countenance and feel the â€Å"marks of weakness† and the â€Å"marks of woe.† Though the poet observed London merely as he could in his capacity and limits of time, the scope of his piece spans into the society of the present where its essence proves relevant to some point. â€Å"London† may be considered as a classical work, however, since there are certain political aspects that remain true in application and value in today’s political system, the poem is able to convey relevance in manifesting how the government relates to people and addresses their needs. State corruption still occurs thereby impoverishing communities whose people are heavily or unreasonably taxed yet do not obtain proper returns in exchange of completed duties or who continue to receive minimum wages despite

Business -Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business -Assignment - Essay Example The increase in unemployment would result to lesser people having jobs. Lesser people having jobs would translate to lesser Tesco sales. People have less money to buy Tesco products. Clearly, one possible effect is the decline in the company’s sales(Geroski & Gregg, 1997,49). Another possibility is the increase in variable expenses. Inflation would translate to higher prices of commodities, raw materials and other purchase amounts. The company must spend more to purchase the same number of inventory sold in the Tesco Plc stores. The prices of other products sold in its outlets would rise. Obviously, another possibility is the increase in variable expenses(Lipsey & Chrystal,2007,334). A third possibility is an increase in fixed expenses. The electricity cost could increase because of the increase in the electricity company’s operating expenses. The water utility company would increase prices. The telephone costs could demand a price increase. The fixed salary of Tesco employees could increase. Definitely, A third possibility is an increase in fixed expenses(Ingham,2000,47). A fourth possibility is the decline in purchases. A decline in sales would result to an oversupply of products being displayed at the Tesco Plc shops. Many of the inventory items displayed in the Tesco Plc will have a high probability of expiring because of the slowdown in demand for Tesco Plc product. The company, Tesco Plc, will be forced to reduce the number of items purchased due to the large stocks of unsold store items displayed. This reduction in Tesco Plc purchases would ensure that the newly bought products will be sold only after the prior –purchased products have been sold. Surely, a fourth possibility is the decline in purchases(Mullard, 1995,113). A fifth possibility is retrenchment of some employees. A reduction in sales would mean that the company may generate a large decline in the company’s products. Thus, the company has to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rhetorical analysis of an argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rhetorical analysis of an argument - Essay Example Blake is a Londoner himself and this basic knowledge of his origin establishes the chief nature of logos linked to the ethos so that both may be set in equilibrium with the pathos as readers yield to spontaneous involvement of feeling and making sense of the narrative based on a similar experience. As Blake opens his poem â€Å"London† with â€Å"I wander thro’ each charter’d street; Near where the charter'd Thames does flow†, he means to reflect the state of misery which the city of London was confronted with in the 18th century. Blake lived in the time when tumultuous political affairs of the unscrupulous English authorities prevailed in the period coinciding the French Revolution and under such settings, the structure of law possessed rigidity which resulted to oppression and other unpleasant forms of injustice. Blake gives illustration to this by the repetition of the modifier term â€Å"charter’d† which seems to have gone overboard as th e ruling designates even the river Thames to unnecessary restrictions. Through his literary endeavor in â€Å"London†, Blake laments about the appalling conditions of the capital city which are depicted by the disconcerting sights as viewed from the atmosphere and external appearances of the general public. In his wandering, the speaker in â€Å"London† takes into account how largely keen his physical encounter is of the ailing situation that he becomes drawn to concretize with â€Å"In every cry of every Man; In every Infant's cry of fear; In every voice, in every ban†. These lamentations exhibit the worst extent of London’s depressed scenario which, according to the historical context the poet is looking at, is brought about by the wrongful or inhumane administration of law or political regulations at the time. Blake makes no mention of authorities or governmental body responsible for the complaints delivered in the poem, nevertheless, he implicitly dem onstrates the presence of unseen yet brutish socio-political force behind what may well be imagined as harsh occurrences causing people of 18th century London to suffer. This is widely evident in the third and fourth lines of the first stanza indicating â€Å"marks† which assumes both literal and symbolic meanings. The wandering speaker does not only pass along the streets as an ordinary traveller but as a critical observer who could not help empathizing for every picture he catches sight of particularly when he manages to perceive the outer countenance and feel the â€Å"marks of weakness† and the â€Å"marks of woe.† Though the poet observed London merely as he could in his capacity and limits of time, the scope of his piece spans into the society of the present where its essence proves relevant to some point. â€Å"London† may be considered as a classical work, however, since there are certain political aspects that remain true in application and value in today’s political system, the poem is able to convey relevance in manifesting how the government relates to people and addresses their needs. State corruption still occurs thereby impoverishing communities whose people are heavily or unreasonably taxed yet do not obtain proper returns in exchange of completed duties or who continue to receive minimum wages despite

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

US Marine Corps Combined Action Program in South Vietnam Article

US Marine Corps Combined Action Program in South Vietnam - Article Example From this paper it is clear that  the configuration of a village defense platoon is arrived upon combining a Marine squad with indigenous forces.This proved very effective in thwarting enemy forces security at the village level. CAP, which was first implemented during operations in South Vietnam, has withstood the test of time. Although there is no comprehensive statistical evidence to prove its effectiveness, first hand observations of military officers and subjective evaluations have assented to its utility. The successes met by American troops in later wars in regions such as Haiti, Bosnia, Somalia, etc, underscore CAP-style organization’s relevance and usefulness.This study outlines that  the CAP was a natural extension of the martial traditions that the US Marines excelled in. The US Marines have long understood how pacification of locals and subsequent co-option to their cause drastically improves chances of success. A robust training program for the local recruits a nd provisions for their security greatly helped with administration of localities. The validity of the CAP concept is attested by its successful implementation in war experiences in Haiti, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, etc during the last two centuries. CAP-style organization is especially applicable in regions where the opposition employs guerrilla warfare tactics.   In this sense, the CAP concept can be construed as counter-guerrilla warfare.... The CAP organized the hamlet defense and lived in the hamlet on a 24-hour basis. Besides hamlet security, â€Å"CAP teams provided the villagers medical care and assistance with hygiene and disease related problems. CAP teams also built simple structures and roads and conducted a variety of other civic projects aimed at helping the people. The Marine pacification program was successful in screening the people from the VC and in large part insulating them from some of the corruption and abuses of the GVN.† (Clark, 1990, p. 115) One of the early demonstrations of CAP’s organization and operation was witnessed in August of 1965 in the Vietnam theatre. The unit assembled from 3rd Battalion of 4th Marines is a case in point. Led by Lt. Col. William W. Taylor in the Phu Bai area, the unit’s Tactical Area of Responsibility (TAOR) covered half a dozen villages plus an airfield. Under pressure from enemy retaliation and realizing how thinly spread his personnel are across the terrain, the Colonel’s executive officer forwarded a plan to include members of the local militia into the 3/4 unit’s operations. After going up the ranks for evaluation and approval, the suggestion was finally assented by major General Lew Walt and Lieutenant General Victor Krulak. They foresaw how this concept could prove to be a force multiplier. It was upon their approval that General Nguyen Van Chuan of the local militia (Army of the Republic of Vietnam - ARVN) agreed to the co-operative arrangement. General Chuan gave General Walt control of local platoons in the Phu Bai jurisdiction. The results of the Phu Bai experiment encouraged further trials. The Marines instilled a combative, offensive spirit in their counterparts and gave the militia a

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Change of the Rights and Free

The Change of the Rights and Freedoms of Australian Women over the Past 100 Years Essay The progression of the rights and freedoms of women has changed drastically over the past 100 years. Women have felt the need to stand up for their rights and change the traditional stereotype of women from, weak and unambitious to strong and determined beings. There were two main time periods where their rights were recognized throughout Australia. The first took place in the early 20th century, where women rallied for the rights to vote and stand for elections. The second took place in the 1960s and 1970s, when traditional roles of women were challenged. The third aspect that will also be looked at in this essay, are influential women in the two time periods that made the rights and freedoms of women change for the better. In the early 20th century, women believed that they had the right to vote and stand for elections in their respective states because they were working in jobs similar to men. They also believed that the stereotype of them not having the intellect ability to understand politics was false. In 1914, the Victorian Local Government Act Amendment allowed women eligible for election on the same basis. The same happened in 1915 in Queensland, 1918 in New South Wales, 1920 in Western Australia and 1921 in Tasmania. Women who had law degrees wanted to be part of a judiciary to become juries. This was introduced for the first time in Queensland, in the year 1923. Other aspects of women’s rights were overlooked by the Australian Government and in 1928, 1000 women gathered in Sydney to protest for their rights. Many Australian women were getting pregnant before the age of eighteen and had no financial aid to support their child. The Racial Hygiene Association set up the first birth control clinic in Australia in Sydney in 1933. To support young mothers and mothers in general, the Child Endowment Act, formed in 1941 allowed payment directly to the mother of an allowance for each child under the age of sixteen. The allowance was 5 shillings per week. Women who had occupations during the wartime were given set wage rates by the Women’s Employment Board, which was set up by the Federal Government in 1942. Women in the 1960s were more outgoing in challenging the traditional roles of women in the form of protest. Intellectual females debated of changes to civil rights, ‘the pill’, marijuana, conscription and the involvement in the Vietnam War. The collection of intellectuals and their belief to change the freedom and rights of women created the Women’s Liberation Movement (WLM) in 1960. The WLM set a few guidelines that they wanted to address and improve in Australia. The first was sexuality. Judiciaries always overlooked cases that were linked to rape and sexual harassment. The WLM wanted these cases to be looked into to give sexually abused victims peace. The second was education. The female intellectuals wanted to spread literature among other women. Many women in the 60s and 70s were illiterate, whereas men were taught how to read and write from a young age. The last guideline was health. Women wanted to be able to have easy access to contraception, abortion and protection from abusive men. They also wanted to do more research for health conditions, such as, breast cancer and cervical cancer. Many laws have resulted due to the formation of the WLM. The Maternity Leave Act, created in 1973 allowed working mothers to have a 12 month unpaid leave that wouldn’t affect their jobs. In June 1977, The Anti – Discrimination Act aimed to stop discrimination against race, gender or marital status. The Equality of Status of Children’s Act was created in December 1977 allowed children born out of marriages to have legal status. Women wanted to pursue jobs that were mostly pursued by men. In 1986, The Equal Opportunity for Women Act restricted barriers, which prohibited women from pursuing jobs that should be available to them. There were many females in Australia who were activists and believed that Australian women needed to be more confident and believe that they were capable of performing male superior jobs. Edith Cowan was the first woman elected to an Australian Parliament in Western Perth, Western Australia in the year 1921. Women from different states were inspired by Cowan and in Queensland, Irene Longman was the first woman to be elected in the Queensland parliament in 1929. In 1937, Ivy Webber represented the League of Women Electors on a platform of ‘Mother, Child, Family, Home and Health. ’ This is because Webber believed that women needed help with motherhood, children, family, marital problems, home and health. In 1972, Helen Reddy produced a song called ‘I am Woman’. The song became the unofficial anthem of the WLM as well. The United Nations declared that it was ‘International Woman’s Year’ in 1975. Many women went to extremes to protest for their rights. Zelda D’Aprano chained herself to the Commonwealth building in 1969 in Melbourne as a sign of protest for the equal pay of working women. In 2004, D’Aprano was made the officer of the order of Australia as acknowledgement for her work in campaigning on women’s workplace issues. Women have evolved over the past 100 years and have been more determined to strive for freedoms and rights. There is a pressing need for women to acquire jobs. This is partly due to the lack of pressure to get married. The few who do attain high positions still have to deal with traditional attitudes towards women: the belief that they are less capable than men, sexual harassment and public focus on their appearance and their family responsibilities. Even till this day, women are still looked down upon and they themselves feel the need to prove themselves to the society surrounding them. Julia Gillard, Australia’s current Prime Minister says that she ‘would never be where she is today if she wasn’t raised by a single mother and if she allowed gender criticism to jeopardise her intent to become Prime Minister. ’

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Masculinity in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre :: Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Essays

Masculinity in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre Throughout the novel 'Jane Eyre' we meet 5 male characters. Immediately we can notice that the number of female characters outweighs the number of male characters. It feels as though BrontÃÆ'Â « is trying to tell us that overall women will come out more influential and powerful than men. Indeed power is what our male characters have in common. Their power however alters from character to character. This is the common version of masculinity portrayed by Bront throughout 'Jane Eyre'. Many men at the time of the novel were very powerful, this power varied from wealth, influential positions and even whom you knew. Women were not entitled to their own opinions and their husbands or fathers made all the decisions. Jane however defies the conventions of the time. She has her own opinions and is not prepared to take orders from the powerful men in the novel. With power comes other traits, and this is where we can differentiate between the characters. Brocklehurst and St John both have power through the position they hold (Brocklehurst being in charge of the girls' school and St John being a parson), whereas John Reed and Rochester have power through wealth. Mr Lloyd (the apothecary) is perhaps the only man in the novel without any real power and he is the only person who listens to Jane. Rochester's masculinity is the most important, as he represents the best and worst of a man. His masculinity is typical of this period and he is shown ordering Jane around, 'bring me my horse', most women were obliging to men as they were the authority in society, although Jane resents this authority and wants to do things her own way. So from this we can see that the masculinity he shows typical of the time and incredibly dominant and powerful over women in the novel, especially Jane. As the novel progresses however Rochester becomes less masculine during the fire at Thornfield he loses everything, here we can compare him to Jane because; at the beginning she too doesn't have anything. In loosing everything he loses his masculinity and power. He no longer has his house, 'I saw blackened ruins'. His house is part of his power and this is no longer there. He also looses his sight and his hand, Jane becomes his, 'eyes and hands', and Rochester is reliant on her, 'I led him out of the wet wild wood'. The role of the dominant one is reversed. Here Rochester shows very little masculinity as he is now not in charge. Jane saves Rochester but equally he saves her, from St Masculinity in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre :: Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Essays Masculinity in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre Throughout the novel 'Jane Eyre' we meet 5 male characters. Immediately we can notice that the number of female characters outweighs the number of male characters. It feels as though BrontÃÆ'Â « is trying to tell us that overall women will come out more influential and powerful than men. Indeed power is what our male characters have in common. Their power however alters from character to character. This is the common version of masculinity portrayed by Bront throughout 'Jane Eyre'. Many men at the time of the novel were very powerful, this power varied from wealth, influential positions and even whom you knew. Women were not entitled to their own opinions and their husbands or fathers made all the decisions. Jane however defies the conventions of the time. She has her own opinions and is not prepared to take orders from the powerful men in the novel. With power comes other traits, and this is where we can differentiate between the characters. Brocklehurst and St John both have power through the position they hold (Brocklehurst being in charge of the girls' school and St John being a parson), whereas John Reed and Rochester have power through wealth. Mr Lloyd (the apothecary) is perhaps the only man in the novel without any real power and he is the only person who listens to Jane. Rochester's masculinity is the most important, as he represents the best and worst of a man. His masculinity is typical of this period and he is shown ordering Jane around, 'bring me my horse', most women were obliging to men as they were the authority in society, although Jane resents this authority and wants to do things her own way. So from this we can see that the masculinity he shows typical of the time and incredibly dominant and powerful over women in the novel, especially Jane. As the novel progresses however Rochester becomes less masculine during the fire at Thornfield he loses everything, here we can compare him to Jane because; at the beginning she too doesn't have anything. In loosing everything he loses his masculinity and power. He no longer has his house, 'I saw blackened ruins'. His house is part of his power and this is no longer there. He also looses his sight and his hand, Jane becomes his, 'eyes and hands', and Rochester is reliant on her, 'I led him out of the wet wild wood'. The role of the dominant one is reversed. Here Rochester shows very little masculinity as he is now not in charge. Jane saves Rochester but equally he saves her, from St

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Standardized Tests Are Ineffective Essay -- High-Stakes Standardized Te

Standardized tests are unnecessary because they are excruciating to the minds of many innocent students. Each year, the tests get tougher and stricter until the students cannot process their own thoughts. The tests become torturous to the minds of those only starting in the world of tests. The students already battling in the war are continuing to fall deeper and deeper into the world of uncreativity and narrowness. As the walls narrow in on them, they are lost and unable to become innovative thinkers. Moreover, the implementation of standardized tests into the public school systems of the United States of America has controversially raised two different views –the proponents versus the opponents in the battle of the effectiveness of standardized tests. Standardized tests require all test takers to answer the same questions; the tests are also scored in a standard manner. Thus, the education system believes that it is fair for everybody to take the same test because it is pre paring students for college learning. In reality, intelligence cannot solely be determined by a test score; therefore, standardized tests are ineffective in encouraging learning in educational environments for three reasons: they are stressful, discriminatory, and uncreative. Throughout the history of standardized testing in the United States of America, citizens have viewed the test as an effective tool to build a society on excellence and success. Furthermore, standardized tests have developed and spread in various public schools as an unproblematic way to test a large amount of students quickly. Educators use test scores to evaluate student performance, teacher proficiency, and school effectiveness. However, standardized tests are not the best way to te... ...ningful projects that can be used in real life. Works Cited Fletcher, Dan. â€Å"Standardized Testing.† Times. Times, 11 Dec. 2009. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. Popham, James. â€Å"Why Standardized Tests Don’t Measure Educational Quality.† Journal of Educational Leadership 56.6 (1999): 8-15. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. Rooks, Noliwe M. â€Å"Why It’s Time to Get Rid Of Standardized Tests.† Times. Times, 11 Oct. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. Sarason, Irwin G. â€Å"Stress, Anxiety, and Cognitive Interference: Reactions to Tests.† Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 46.4 (1984): 929-38. PsycARTICLES. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. Schmidt, Peter. â€Å"Sunday Dialogue: Too Tethered to Tests?† New York Times. New York Times, 12 Oct. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. Strauss, Valerie. â€Å"Have Standardized Tests Really Helped Kids Learn More?† Washington Post. Washington Post, 30 Apr. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2013.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Compare Different Research Methodologies for Health and Social Care Essay

P3: Compare different research methodologies for health and social care. In this assignment I will be comparing the different types of research methodologies for health and social care. INTERVIEWS: Interviews are usually taken for people when they are looking for jobs or looking places in college and universities. There are many advantages of interviews, one being that they will be able to get good information and some data, also they will develop their communication skills too when talking to the other individual. However there are also many weaknesses such as, time consuming, the person being interviewed could be lying and also the questions may not be clear. Another weakness is that there could be a language barrier between the two people. QUESTIONNAIRES: Questionnaires are set a set of questions given to an individual to either find out their likes and dislikes or to find out some data. The disadvantages of questionnaires is that it’s quite difficult as it will be difficul t to collect as some people might not even give the questionnaire back or even fill it out on the spot. Due to this, the response level will be low because some people might not be bothered to fill it out. However, questionnaires can also be very useful as it will help research in different samples. On the other hand, with interviews, you can directly ask the person being interviewed on their thoughts and opinions so it is more likely they give you a more detailed answer face to face instead of writing it on paper. The advantages of an questionnaire is PARTICIPANTS OBESRVATION: Participant observation is a type of research method which is used to carry out research or find out data of a certain subjectThe advantage of this research methodology is that they will get accurate data as they are a part of the group they are studying so they witness it firsthand. However, the weaknesses of this research method is that it is very time consuming and Researchers spend months or years living in the place of study. Second, the researchers have to pick through data from massive amounts of notes. Third, since such studies usually focus on small groups, it is hard to make any generalizations from the findings NON-PARTICIPANTS OBSERVATION: Non participants is another research methodology used. This method includes the observer not being part of the group and just watching from a far distance. The advantage of this method is that the observer may get some good data as they are observing closely. Easier to record data as you are not participating, also it is very cheap  and simple. However, the disadvantages are that you may not get as much data as you are not a part of the discussions so you may not get a lot of information as you would like. BOOKS: Books are in formation written down by people. They can be written down as knowledge or real life stories. The advantages form getting information and writing data from a book is that you will find out a lot of information that you didn’t already know. Also you will extend you knowledge by reading. However, the information may not be accurate and could be false. Another weaknesses form getting information books is that it is also quite time consuming looking for the answers and information when reading a book. WEBSITES: This method is another way to get data from. Websites are also very good because they can find you reliable information about any topic you want to gain knowledge from. However a disadvantage for websites is that they could contain false information. Another advantage is that there are wide ranges of information you could use for your research and data which could help you with research.